Das Retinol Serum von DOC.BERGER | EFFECT

What does the Retinol Serum by DOC.BERGER | EFFECT do?

The Retinol Serum by DOC.BERGER | EFFECT comprehensively affects the skin: It smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, boosts collagen production, and helps reduce blemishes and pigmentation spots. At the same time, it refines pores, ensuring a uniform, radiant complexion. Just like with all products by DOC.BERGER | EFFECT, we consciously avoid controversial additives in the Retinol Serum as well. In skincare, it is often true: Less is more.

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Glättet Fältchen

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Hilft gegen Unreinheiten

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Mindert Pigmentflecken

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Mit hautidentischen Lipiden

Inhaltsstoffe_DE_Banner - DOC.BERGER I EFFECT

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